Matty Hurrell
Master Chief
With over 20 years of kiting and thousands of teaching hours from around the world Matty has achieved the highest rank within the international teaching qualifications ‘IKO Examiner’ which means he can coach you from beginner to advanced and all the way to instructor level.
Always time for everyone willing to share his knowledge.
Qualification: IKO Examiner
IKO Profile and reviews:

Mike Davy
IKO Kitesurf Instructor
When he’s not building houses he’s at the beach smacking those lips and soaring into the skies. Wavey Davy’s unique charm and charismatic friendliness he always ensures enjoyable, comfortable lessons for his students offering the tricks of the trade all the way.
Qualification: IKO Instructor L1
IKO Profile and reviews:

Marky Payne
IKO Kitesurf Instructor
With an impressive athletic history and unbeatable stamina you’ll always find Marky enjoying the elements both on and off the water. Freeride, surf, foil and SUP Marky sure likes to keep all the disciplines to a high standard.
Full of love and coaching knowledge Marky will certainly provide a fun experience for all his students.
Qualification: IKO Instructor L1
IKO Profile and reviews:

Josh Welham
IKO Kitesurf Instructor
Since Joshy’s first introduction to kitesurfing from master Chief Matty he’s been simply hooked to the sport pushing himself to the next level in extreme big air and freestyle. When the winds up visit the beach and you’ll be guaranteed a show of some extreme kitesurfing.
With a full understanding of all the technicalities of the kitesurfing Joshy always find a method to progress you to the next level.
Qualification: IKO Instructor L2
IKO Profile and reviews:

James Motley
IKO Kitesurf Instructor
When he’s not long boarding down steep urban hills he’s on the water armed with his twin tip. With speed and flow James likes to bring his own personal style to the beach.
Always with a smile on his face and bursting with sheer joy James will make sure you’ll have a memorable experience during your kitesurfing tuition.
Qualification: IKO Instructor L1
IKO Profile and reviews:

Callum Crozier
Team Rider / Future Instructor
When he’s not playing rugby or at school you’ll find him at the beach helping out and shredding with the rest of the team.
Callums politeness and his need to help others makes hm a perfect instructor candidate for the near future.

Tom Bartlett
SUP Instructor / Beach Boy
After graduating from uni with a degree in outdoor pursuits Tom has a detailed understanding of what’s required. His cheeky personality always brings a laugh to the scene whilst keeping a professional approach to his SUP classes and tours.
A true asset to the ‘Z’ team.
Qualification: ISA Surf/SUP Instructor

Rainy Wright
IKO Kitesurf Instructor
Where there’s wind and water Rainy will be out there battling the elements. When there’s no wind Rainy will most certainly find another sport to connect with the elements. Simply she’s always seeking a thrill and living it to the max.
Rainy has an incredible calming nature which shines in her teaching skills which is just what you need when first learning to kitesurf.
Qualification: IKO Instructor L1
IKO Profile and reviews: